Momentum medical aid contact details gets you access to Insure It Wize. Use the Momentum medical aid contact details to get you set up with Momentum and join a Momentum medical aid plan. Contact Insure It Wize after doing this and they can continue the relationship with Momentum for you. Taking the headache and irritation out of Momentum Medical Aid administration. All you have to do is search for the Momentum medical aid contact details and join one of their medical aid plans. Insure It Wize objective is to take ownership of our client’s Momentum medical aid plan’s challenges. Offering you an ongoing service with any of your Momentum medical aid requirements and/or queries.
By using the Momentum medical aid contact details and choosing Momentum. You will get value for your money and a medical aid that meets your expectations and needs. Choosing Momentum allows you to select a cover that is best suitable for you and your loved ones. By contacting Momentum through their Momentum medical aid contact details. You will get the added value of a Momentum Medical Scheme. Included is the choice/option to let Insure It Wize provide you with expert advice on medical and short-term insurance. The Careline team will even take management of your Momentum medical aid administration.
Contact our dedicated team today and we will direct the/your way forward
Search for the Momentum medical aid contact details. Join a Medical Aid Scheme today and then visit or . Insure It Wize dedicated and helpful team will help you manage your Momentum Medical Aid. Handling all the stress on your behalf. No more holding on for call centres. Simply direct your Momentum Medical Aid through Insure It Wize. Now you can jump the queue to expert advice and excellent service.
9 St. Columb Street, New Redruth,
Alberton, Johannesburg, 1448
Business Hours
Monday –Thursday: 08:00-16:30
Friday: 07:30-16:00
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
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